This section allows you to search, manage and perform operations on the items in your collection.

What is the difference between a title and a copy?

A title can include several copies. See this FAQ article for more information.


The Titles tab allows you to search for titles using a number of search filters, as well as to customize the display of information by selecting the columns of your choice. At least one of the search filters must be activated in order to perform a search.

Click on the Copies column to view details of individual copies of a publication.

Click on the line of a publication in the search results to access its detail page. You can do the following:


The Copies tab allows you to search for copies using a number of search filters, as well as to present the information by selecting the columns of your choice. At least one of the search filters must be activated in order to launch a search.

Click on the information in the Order Name column to display all copies of an order.

Click on the line of any title in the search results to open the detail page of the title related to that copy. Here you can perform the same actions as in the Titles tab, (see above). You can also, by checking the box on the left of the copy, manage the availability of copies.


This tab shows the purchases, grouped by orders starting from the most recent. You can search by ID, name, order number or acquisition date.

Click on the order line to display the copies specific to that order. They will be displayed in the Copies tab.


The Inventory tab displays two graphs that can be viewed in table form or downloaded in Excel format:

  • Inventory of titles by year of publication
  • Inventory of copies by year of publication

You can filter the information by media type as well as by language.

Inactive copies

The inactive copies report returns a list of all copies that have become inactive (expired, exhausted, invalidated, etc.) during the designatted period. The generation of the report may take some time, depending on the length of the target period and the number of copies involved. Completed reports can be downloaded in Excel format.

Click Create Report, choose a title for it, select the cause of inactivity, and the period during which the copies became inactive. 

When the report is ready, you can open it by selecting the corresponding row in the table, and then download or delete it.


This tab allows you to download a CSV file containing all the publications and copies included in your catalogue or custom data generated on demand from search results. The generated Excel files remain available for download for seven days.