Selections are collections of publications developed and maintained by booksellers. They are accessible throughout the platform, either from the main menu or from the home page.

Featured picks

  • A selection of recommended publications available on the homepage.


  • Set of selections that are accessible from the Selections item in the main menu.
  • Each of these selections is accompanied by a short description.

The displayed sections only provide an overview of the different selections; the Show all button provides access to the complete list of titles in each selection. 

Such thematic selections can be added to a shopping cart with one click.


  • A selection of books that won a literary award (the list of awards considered is at the discretion of the bookseller and will therefore vary from one bookseller to another).
  • This selection is accessible from the main menu.
  • You can also search for literary award winners using the advanced search.

Open bookshelf

The Open Bookshelf is a digital library collection of more than 10,000 popular ebooks free to download, formatted for modern devices, and handpicked by our Curation Corps of librarians from across the United States.