Installing the Cantook e-reading application

First, install the Cantook e-reading application.

  1. Go to the Cantook application page on the App Store:
  2. Tap Install.
  3. Once the installation is complete, tap Open to start the application.

Connecting the application to a library

To borrow ebooks, you first need to add your library to the application.

  1. Go to the Catalogs section.
  2. Tap the + button.
  3. Find your library by browsing the list.
  4. Tap the + icon to the right of your library's name to add it to your catalogue.
  5. Press Browse in the rectangle that contains your library's name in the Catalogs section.
  6. Authenticate yourself with your library account ID and password.

Please note that authentication systems vary from library to library. Depending on the system used by your library, you may not be required to authenticate when you add a catalogue. This will only need to be done later when making a loan or reservation. If you encounter a problem during the authentication process (for example, if you have forgotten your password), please contact your library.

Even if you add multiple libraries in the application, you will only be able to borrow from the libraries you are a member of.