1. Go to the Home or My Books section of the application.
  2. Tap on the cover image of the ebook you want to read. If this is the first time reading this ebook, it will open on the first page. If you already started it, it will open on the last page you read.

  3. To turn the page, swipe from left to right or tap on the left or right side of the page.

Track your reading progress and use the reading and display functions as needed. To do this, tap the middle of the page to bring up the menu:

  • User settings: Tap to access settings.

    • Change the theme: default (black text on a white background or white text on a black background, depending on your system preferences), light (black text on a white background), sepia (black text on a beige background), dark (white text on a black background).

    • Decrease the font size by tapping the small A or increase it by pressing the large A.

    • Change the font by scrolling through the available choices by swiping from left to right. For example, the OpenDyslexic font is designed to make reading easier for people with reading disabilities such as dyslexia.

    • Change the screen brightness using the selector switch.

  • Table of contents: Tap to access the ebook's table of contents and your bookmarks.

  • Add bookmark: Tap to add a bookmark to the page you are reading.

  • Return to Home Page: Tap to return to the application's home page.