This section allows you to search for, retrieve and manage data related to loans.

This tab allows you to search for loans (all, active, fulfilled) over a selected period. At least one of the search filters must be activated in order to perform a search.


The loan report allows you to generate data on loans. You can group the results according to various criteria and apply various filters. The Submit button generates the results, which can be exported as a CSV or XLS file.


The loan statistics enable you to generate statistical information on the loan trends over a given period of time. You can apply various filters, and select the period by month and year. Clicking on the Submit button generates the results. The results are displayed in a graph or a table, as desired, by clicking on the appropriate icon on the left. The results can also be presented on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The button on the right allows you to export the results as an XLS file.


This tab allows you to download a CSV file containing all loans for every month of activity of your library.