The multi-identifier search allows you to use a list of EAN or ISBN codes as criteria, and returns the publications in your catalogue that match these identifiers.

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Publications tab.

  2. Click on the small arrow to the right of the search box; the multi-identifier search text box appears.

  3. Copy and paste the list of identifiers to search for (EAN or ISBN).

    If the list of identifiers comes from an Excel file, you can copy/paste them as they are in the text box. If you enter the identifiers manually, you must separate them with a line break or a semicolon.

  4. Click on the magnifying glass to start the search. You can search for as many identifiers as you like.

The ISBN/EAN codes provided must not be preceded or followed by spaces, nor contain spaces or dashes between the numbers.

The results list is displayed when the search is complete and you can perform all the usual actions.