This API is used to retrieve the complete metadata of the publications modified since the last synchronization (full or differential) or a specified date. It is used to get regular updates.

If the number of changes to the publication is too great (HTTP 400 code), you need to use the full synchronization API.

It returns the first metadata file. To access the next files, you need to follow the URL indicated in the Link entity header of the HTTP response until you get a HTTP “404 Not Found” code.


Address : /api/organisations/[organisation_id]/publications/delta[.format]

Formats : onix, xml

Method : GET

Security : HTTP/BASIC (Username and password)


organisation_id (Mandatory)

Organisation number provided upon registration.

format (Optional)

Format of the files, onix or xml. The default value is onix.

from (Optional)

Date and time, ISO 8601 Basic format. If the parameter is omitted: returns the metadata of the publications that were modified since the last synchronization (full or differential). If the parameter is present: returns the metadata of the publications that were modified since the specified date and time.
Warning: the date and time must be equal or before the previous date and time used for the start of the last synchronisation


200 : OK

The file was created with success. The Link entity header of the HTTP response provides an URL (Link: ; rel=next) to access the next file. You reach the end of the file list when you get a HTTP “404 Not Found” code.

400 : too_many_results

The number of modifications is too great. Use the API for a full synchronization of the catalogue.

401 : access_denied

Access denied to the resource.

404 : not_found

The organisation was not found or there was no modification.

415 : invalid_format

The requested format is not supported.