The publishers.json API returns the list of organizations that a store has agreements with. The structure of the returned json file is the following :

1. A list of publishers with a direct agreement (under publishers)

2. A list of distributors with an agreement (under distributors), including, for each, the list of publishers where that agreement applies (the publishers that have granted their distributors the management of their market).

Each organisation is described with the following fields :

- id (organisation id)

- name (organisation name)

- identifier (identifier or GLN)

- website (publisher's web site)

- logo (link to the image file stored on the platform)


Address : /api/organisations/{id}/publishers.json]

Formats : JSON

Method : GET

Security : HTTP/BASIC (Utilisez votre identifiant et mot de passe)


id : (Mandatory)

Identifier of the organisation

Format JSON :

{"publishers":[{"id":"ENQC7","name":"First Organisation Inc.","identifier":"7","website":"","logo":""}],"distributors":[{"id":"ENQC1","name":"My Big Distributor","identifier":"1","website":"","logo":"","publishers":[{"id":"ENQC2","name":"A publisher under My Big Distributor","identifier":"2","website":"","logo":""}]}]}