Users from the same organization can manage their SFTP accounts directly in the Cantook Publishers interface, in the profile for that organization. More details are provided in the section on the Cantook Publishers SFTP Servers.

All SFTP accounts belonging to the same organization have access to the same directory.

The following procedures for creating, modifying and deleting SFTP accounts are the same for all SFTP servers.

Creating an SFTP account

  1. Click on Profile to go to your organization's profile
  2. Go to the Metadata > Contact > SFTP accounts section
  3. Click on Add
  4. For password connection: check the Generate a password box
  5. For SSH key connection: paste the public key in the SSH public key text box
  6. Click Save

If you have selected password connection, copy the new password displayed in the confirmation message and save it in a safe place: it is only visible once. You can then use it directly in your exportation tool's configuration.

Editing an SFTP account

You can add or change the connection method (SSH key or password) for an existing SFTP account.

  1. Click on Profile to go to your organization's profile
  2. Go to the Metadata > Contact > SFTP accounts section
  3. Click on the edit button (pencil icon) next to the name of the account you wish to modify
  4. To reset the password: click on Generate

    Note that this action immediately invalidates the previous password.

  5. To add or change the SSH key connection: paste the public key in the SSH public key text box
  6. Click Save

If you have added or reset the password, copy the new password displayed in the confirmation message and save it in a safe place: it is only visible once. You can then use it directly in your exportation tool's configuration.

Deleting an SFTP account

Make sure that the SFTP account you are about to delete is no longer in use.

  1. Click on Profile to go to your organization's profile
  2. Go to the Metadata > Contact > SFTP accounts section
  3. Click on the delete button (X icon) next to the name of the account you wish to delete
  4. Confirm the operation