The system of the organization processing the loan will have to be adapted so that when this call is made, it finds the loan in its system, considers it returned, and the copy becomes available for a new loan.

When the platform is notified of the early return of a loan, it will call the notification URL provided by the entity operating the loan, as follows:

AddressThe notify_url provided by the entity operating the loan

A JSON document that provides the loan information from the platform in the form:

{"type": "[notification_type]", "time": "[return_time]", "data": {"loan": "[loan_id]", "borrower": "[borrower_id]", "transaction": "[transaction_id]", "time_before_expire": "[time_in_seconds]", , "expire_at": "[expiration_date]"}}

notification_type "return"
return_timeDate (format ISO 8601 Basic) : 2012-07-03T11:23:49Z
loan_idId of the Loan of the Platform. Format: ENQC1234
borrower_idThe borrower_id (member number) of the loan
transaction_idThe transaction_id (transaction number) of the loan
time_in_secondsTime (in seconds) between early return and loan expiry date
expiration_dateDate (format ISO 8601 Basic) : 2012-07-14T00:00:00Z