Cet article complète celui qui décrit le  flux ONIX 3.0 pour les libraires qui vendent au grand public . Vous trouverez ici les éléments spécifiques aux produits offerts en bibliothèque (les précisions sont inscrites en gras dans la colonne Description).

Bien que les flux d'information tentent de reproduire le plus fidèlement possible les différentes contraintes associées aux licences des produits bibliothèque, le système d'information qui reçoit les flux doit faire le choix de la façon dont il stocke, interprète et transmet ces informations, selon les paramètres de ses accords avec les différents intervenants de l'écosystème bibliothèque. À titre indicatif, vous pouvez consulter un  guide d'interprétation des licences bibliothèques.


Description du flux en format ONIX 3.0

Onix Code listValues / FormatDescription
<ONIXMessage release="3.0">






Library market products have their own RecordReference and ProductIdentifier. It may be a distinct EAN, ISBN, or a custom key.

Record identifier. Format: Platform prefix + publication's internal identifier – format nature. Ex.: « EDGT-5513-3-LIBRARIES »



Library market products have their own RecordReference and ProductIdentifier. It may be a distinct EAN, ISBN, or a custom key.
  <ProductIDType>M501; 02; 03; 1501: Custom
02: ISBN 10
03: EAN
15: ISBN 13 
NumbersIdentifier's value (ISBN)





Used only for the consumer market products:

EA: Digital (delivered electronically)

Used for the library market products:

EB: Digital download and online (Digital content available both by download and by online access.)

EC: Digital online (Digital content accessed online only.)

ED: Digital download (Digital content delivered by download only.)


  <ProductFormFeature> O

     <ProductFormFeatureType> O
07; 10

07: Other system requirements -- library market only

10: E-publication format version

     <ProductFormFeatureValue> O

3: If  <ProductFormFeatureType> is 10, then 3 means  Epub version 3.

<ProductFormFeatureDescription> O

Used for the library market products:

If <ProductFormFeatureType> is 07, then:

"on-site": On-site streaming

"SOGANEL", "DIMEDIA", "PNBONLINE04": Library product licence name.

  </ProductFormFeature> O



  <EpubUsageType>M14502; 03; 04; 06; 07

Used only for the consumer market products:

02: Print
03: Copy / paste

Used for the library market products:

04: Share: If <ProductFormFeatureType> is 07, then type 04 means the following constraint is about the number streamings (on-site or off-site) allowed (see below).

06: Loans: This constraint is about limit on loans (see below)

07: Time-limited license: This constraint is about a time-limited offer (see below)

  <EpubUsageStatus>M14601; 02; 0301: Permitted unlimited
02: Permitted subject to limit
03: Prohibited

NumberMaximum permitted quantity, ex.: 6
  <EpubUsageUnit>O14706; 09

06: Devices

Used for the library market products:

07: Concurrent users: A maximum of <Quantity> concurrent users is allowed if <EpubUsageType> is 06

09: Days: The licence is time-limited on <Quantity> days if on a library market product and <EpubUsageType> is 07.

10: Times: The licence is time-limited on <Quantity> times/activations if on a library market product and <EpubUsageType> is 07.








  <SalesRestrictionType>O7106; 09; 00

Used for the library market products:

06: This product is a library market product.

Used only for the consumer market products:

09: Not for sale to libraries. For backward compatibility issues, the consumer market products will still have this tag with value 09 if the book can't be sold for lending, and the <SalesRestrictionType> tag will be absent if the book can be sold for lending.

Note:  In order to import the library product, it's required to have 2 restrictions. One in 06, for the library product and one in 00 to specify the offer. Exemple:

<!-- For sale in libraries -->




<!-- Offer id -->

<SalesRestriction>         <SalesRestrictionType>00</SalesRestrictionType>







  <ProductRelationCode>M5100; 01; 02; 06; 13

00:  This library product is related to the following, general public product.

01: Includes. <Product> includes <RelatedProduct>

02: Is part of. <Product> is part of <RelatedProduct>
06: Alternative format. <Product> is also available in the format described in <RelatedProduct>
13: Epublication based on (print product). <Product> is based on <RelatedProduct>.


  <ProductIDType>M501; 02; 03; 1501: Custom
02: ISBN 10
03: EAN
15: ISBN 13 
NumbersIdentifier's value



