The following parameters are specific to library offers. For other metadata (bibliographic or commercial), the same tags apply as for consumer products.

Offer identifier

The offer identifier will always be in ProductIdentifier. All offers for libraries have an internal identifier, represented like this:


Some offers will also have an EAN (ISBN) which will be represented like this:


An offer with an EAN will therefore always have two identifiers. This is also true in the case where a product has an EAN added to it along the way (it will be added as a ProductIdentifier, but the internal identifier will remain in the ONIX record, leading to two identifiers).

Library offer

Confirmation that the offer is intended for libraries is found in two tags:

  • ProductForm. The values EB, EC et ED apply to library offers. For example:
  • PublishingDetail/SalesRestriction. Le SalesRestrictionType must be 06 (For sale to libraries only; not for sale through retail trade).

Licence used

The name of the licence used, if any, can be found in the ProductFormFeature/ProductFormFeatureDescription tag. For example, in the case of the SOGANEL licence, this would be:


Loan and consultation rights

Information on lending and viewing rights is contained in the EpubUsageConstraint block, and each right is represented by an EpubUsageLimit block.

Here is an ONIX sample which contains references to the 5 types of lending and consultation rights managed by Cantook. For the sake of clarity, only the values in the Quantity tags may vary; the other values correspond to choices in the ONIX code lists.

<Quantity>59</Quantity> Maximum loan duration, in days
<Quantity>10</Quantity> Life span of the copy - in loans
<Quantity>5</Quantity> Simultaneous loans
<Quantity>20</Quantity> Life span of the copy - in days
<Quantity>9</Quantity> Simultaneous online consultations

Simultaneous loans

Corresponds to the maximum number of time-limited licences that can be issued simultaneously for a purchased product.

Life span of the offer - in loans

Number of times the publication can be loaned in total (after this number of loans, the copy is deactivated).

Life span of the offer - in days

Number of days for which a copy can be loaned, calculated from the date of purchase, regardless of the number of loans made or their duration (after this period, the copy is deactivated).

Maximum loan duration

Maximum duration of each loan, in days.

Simultaneous online consultations

Number of simultaneous consultations that can be made online on the library's website.

Interpretation of consultation and lending rights

Access and lending rights should be interpreted according to the terms of the licence used. For example, if the product has a limited life in terms of both number of loans and number of days, it is necessary to refer to the licence used to find out whether the copy will expire on the first or the second deadline.

Relationship with other products

The library offer contains references to other variations of the same title in the RelatedMaterial section.

The relationship to the consumer product for the same title, in the same format, is indicated in the RelatedMaterial/RelatedProduct group with ProductRelationCode 31. (For additional information, the consumer product will also contain a reference to the library product, marked by the same ProductRelationCode).

The relationship to another offer for libraries, for the same title, in a different format, is indicated in the RelatedMaterial/RelatedProduct group whose ProductRelationCode is 06

The relationship to the original work in paper format is indicated in the RelatedMaterial/RelatedProduct group whose ProductRelationCode is 13.

The ONIX structure used for related products, in the RelatedMaterial compound property, is documented in the ONIX 3.0 tag table.

Documentation of the ONIX feed of library offers

Full documentation of the library offer-specific tags in the ONIX feed generated by Cantook is available here.